Worldwide Shipping

What countries or regions do you ship to?

We ships worldwide to nearly every country across the globe, covering North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, except Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea and the Crimea Region of Ukraine.

We employ the services of major, trusted international carriers to ensure your package arrives to your destination safely and securely.

Do you ship to PO Boxes or APO/FPO military addresses?

Sorry, at this time our shipping partners are unable to ship to PO Boxes or APO/FPO military addresses addresses so you will need to provide a street address. If you provide a PO Box or APO/FPO military address, it will delay shipment of your items.

Are there any additional fees involved in international shipping?

In some cases, there will be VAT or other taxes, customs duties or fees levied by your destination country. Additional charges for taxes or customs clearance must be borne by the recipient; we have no control over these charges and cannot predict what they may be. Customs and taxation policies vary widely from country to country; you should contact your local customs office for further information. When customs clearance procedures are required, it can cause delays beyond our original delivery estimates.

*Note: All our prices is NOT including the custom taxes, import taxes and quarantine inspecting fee. We ship your package as samples or gifts and write an amount lower than the actual product price on customs forms.

Shipping Charges

Shipping rates and fees will vary based on the item and shipping destination.

Our site will always display your order total in the currency you select, including any shipping rates or fees. There are no additional charges or duties when the product arrives at your door.

International shipping rates are calculated during checkout based on your desired service level (Expedited Shipping or Standard Shipping), item type and quantity, total weight of your order, and the destination’s postal code. Additional charges related to shipping, duties, or tax are available at checkout for review before you complete your purchase.



North AmericaFree
South AmericaFree
Central America/AntillaFree
Europe (non-EU)Free


Items available for international shipping vary depending on the delivery address. Please review the following restrictions for international orders:

Some items are not eligible for international shipping due to size and customs restrictions. Unfortunately, there may be items for sale on our site that are not available internationally.

Our system may prompt you to remove an item from your shopping cart if your destination country does not permit import of that item.

We cannot ship items that valued over $20,000 or orders totaling more than $20,000. If you order multiple items totaling over $25,000, please place separate orders with each order totaling under $20,000.

International shipping restrictions prevent shipping oversized items outside China. At this time, items over 150 lbs. (68 kg) cannot be shipped internationally.

Due to import restrictions, select jewelry items and cosmetics are not available for International destinations.

Can I change or cancel my order?

Since we have a very small timeframe between receiving and fulfilling your order, at this time, you cannot change or cancel your order once it is submitted.

Can I use a coupon, promotional code, or special shipping offer?

Unless otherwise stated in the offer’s Terms and Conditions, most Miyachy coupons and discounts will apply to international orders. 

Can I ship to multiple addresses on the same order?

Currently, our international fulfillment vendor cannot accept multiple shipping addresses. If you need to send items to multiple addresses, please place separate orders.

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